What do you need to know about Website Hosting?

Peter A. Liefer II | Posted: April 3rd, 2017 | Updated: July 24th, 2019

Website hosting services allow individuals and organizations to post web pages or a website on the net. A web hosting or a web host service provider is a company providing the services and technologies necessary for the web page or site to be seen on the net. Servers are where websites are stored or hosted. When a net user wants to check out your site, all they need to do is to type in the domain or address on Google or any search site. Once you type in the address, your computer connects to your web page and server and you will see everything from your own computer.

In order to host with them, many host companies want you to own your own domain name. If you don’t have one, the company will show you how you can buy one. There are package deals as well in which you can get web hosting, email and custom domain done in one subscription.

Types of Services for Web Hosting

To host your website, there are many different types of web hosting services. Before you sign up, you need to know which kind you need for your particular website. You also need to know the kind of server your company or you need, what type of service your web host offers and what your budget happens to be.

Available options for hosting include collocated hosting, dedicated hosting, shared hosting and website builders.

Collocated hosting is a kind of hosting in which you will need to buy your own servers and have this stored at the facilities of your web host. You will have the responsibility of taking care of the server. The benefit you get from this kind of hosting is that you have total control of the servers. You can install all the applications and scripts you need.

Dedicated hosting is when you have the web servers entirely without having to share anything. This gives you a much more rapid performance than one that is shared. You have the entire resources of the servers to yourself without having to share with other site owners. On the other hand, this can also mean that you will be in charge of the server’s entire cost of the operation. For site requiring a lot of system resources, or need top security, this kind is a good choice.

Shared hosting is when you and another site owner share the same server. This type of hosting environment includes sharing the software applications and the physical server within the server itself. Services that are shared give you the advantage that it is affordable since you are sharing the cost of operations for the hosting. This type is not as fast as dedicated hosting since you are sharing one host, but for some, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Services of website building are a kind of host service catering to beginners that need website hosting but don’t have the knowledge and the technical skills for building one. Typically, site building services provide you with an interface based on online browsers for building your site. Thus, the service also hosts the site with no extra set-up.

What Are Your Plans?

Have you been planning to build a site with bigger goals for your business? If you are, a good web host can make the difference between success and mediocrity. These days, selecting the right host can be quite a task since there are so many services claiming to offer the best plan for hosting. There are a few things to keep in mind that make your task of having to select a web hosting service simple and easy.

Free Domain—Don’t Fall for It

Giving you a free domain is one way that website hosting companies attempt to attract clients. Make sure you read the fine print when you see a company that is offering a free domain.  Remember, most people who are offering web services are in it for the money. When someone offers free services, there has to be a catch somewhere.

When you are doing research on which web host to be part of, make sure that there are no fees that you are not aware of. Some free services give you a free domain which is still owned by the web hosts. This means you are basically at their mercy and renewal fees may be steep.

How Much Storage?

You will need to read the fine print regarding storage when you are planning to purchase the services of a web host. If a site takes up more space than the storage it is allowed, web hosts sometimes terminate the site due to breach of contract. For this reason, it will literally be to your advantage to find out how much storage you are allowed to have.

Ask About Disk Space and Bandwidth

How much traffic do you think your website will generate? Aside from your budget, this is one of the most important considerations when you are planning to get a web host. Find out what your goals are and how much bandwidth and disk space this will require. Remember, if you don’t have a lot of space, your site might shut down when there is too much traffic. The same can be said for bandwidth. Before you buy a service, see if it has the space and capacity you need for your own website.

Everyone planning to have a website will eventually need a web host. Knowing all there is to know as a layperson and not as a tech-guy will entail research and thorough information-gathering. Needless to say, if this is something you are planning to do, and you are a non-techy person, keep in mind that many websites being hosted on the web are done by non-techy people as well. In other words, if they can do it, so can you.

Secure a reliable web host

Having an unreliable web host might make it difficult for visitors to see the full potential of your website. If you require web hosting assistance, call us today at 480-970-4688 and we’ll secure your technical support needs.

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