YouTube was founded in 2005. Few could imagine the extent that video would become such a force in the digital era with such a ubiquitous presence across the internet. Every year video marketing has grown and is accelerating. Video distribution to sites like YouTube is one of the fastest ways to advertise your business.

Video marketing accomplishes all the work that traditional marketing does, but with amplified effects. People will engage with your content much more if it has visual content. Pictures can boost engagement tremendously. Just think how much more moving pictures can increase engagement. Video content will engage people and ignite emotions more than any other visual medium.

Videos are an important step in the customer journey

The path to purchase is complicated. Consumers see your brand in many places before becoming a lead. There are many ways for people to either find you – or find your competitor. Consumers may consult 10 different sources before they buy, so it could be any combination of these sources.

On this customer journey when they see your video, it has a powerful impact in helping them decide whether to purchase. An effective video marketing campaign will move them right down the path to purchase.

No excuse not to use video

Your business’s marketing strategy needs to change with the times or become obsolete. It is predicted that by 2019 most content marketing will be video.

Years ago, producing videos was something only expensive productions companies could do. Today, even your smartphone can make decent videos. You need to use video as part of your overall marketing strategy if you are not doing so. Your competitors are probably already using video marketing.

Is video for me?

People will say, “I created this video and I got only 4 people and I’m wondering if video is really for me.” Just creating a video putting it somewhere and thinking that somebody is just going to come across it, especially if you’re a small business, is hard without promoting it.

There are lots of ways to promote your video with social media and paid advertising. PPC ads can quickly grow an audience – and then as your audience grows you can pull back and just watch visitors and clicks on your video grow organically.

The video marketing experts at PrimeView can help promote your video as part of your social media marketing and run effective PPC campaigns for you.

Video Distribution and Optimization

PrimeView offers video distribution and video optimization as one of its many content marketing services. Online video makes it possible for your current and potential clients to learn about your company and become familiar with your products or services, which will ultimately lead to more sales.

PrimeView’s Video Marketing Service submits your company’s video to video search engines and sharing sites, including YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion and more. The videos are then indexed for optimum search engine optimization to reach the desired target markets.

Our Phoenix, Arizona video marketing team can help you strategize and find ways to maximize your video’s impact online. Call us today at 480-970-4688 to request a free quote.