Written content is the most important element of your website. It is what tells your story, what brands you, what set’s you apart from the competition, and what ultimately leads to sales. PrimeView can provide you with a beautiful website design that offers a great user experience, but without the right content delivering the right message, it will go nowhere.

Written content is the foundation of successful SEO marketing

Search Engines find you only one way, by the content you offer, and especially by written content. Effective content writing includes keywords or keyword phrases that people are using to search. Text is the vehicle for the keywords that guide search engines and customers to your door. Quality content + expertly researched keywords are how you get potential customers to hear your message.

Content Writing the delivers results!

Content Writing that delivers results!

PrimeView is more than just a website design firm. We offer digital marketing services that cover everything required to get your business to the top. Knowing how critical quality, keyword optimized content is to marketing success, we offer Content Writing as a service.

We provide premium online content written in an error-free professional but conversational style. Writing that speaks to your intended audience using the language your target customers use. Research for relevant keywords is included. If you need content, we can help, whether it’s for an existing website you have or a new or upgraded one we are working on for you.

Content we can create for you includes:


Your web pages are most likely the first contact consumers will have with your business. You want to make sure they have a clear message, a Call to Action, and invoke a response. We can write new webpages or edit, keyword optimize and user optimize your existing webpages.

Blog Posts

Blog posts should be published often to keep your website dynamic. If your website is not updated often it will not attract much attention. Blogs that are relevant to your business gives consumers valuable information which builds authority in your industry and increases search engine traffic.

Social Media Posts

Sharing consistently on social media has the same effect as blog posts for your website. Social media content creates more brand awareness and improves your business’ reputation. PrimeView can also provide social media campaign management. See Social Media Marketing.


Sending newsletters on a regular basis is an excellent marketing tool that keeps your company top-of-mind for readers. Educate readers about new products, announce upcoming events, offer coupons or specials and more. PrimeView can write and manage a newsletter program for you.


Email is a very effective way of connecting with your leads, developing them, and converting them into customers. There are techniques for writing emails that get people to read them. PrimeView can write emails that get a response and manage an email marketing campaign for you.

Press Releases

A press release isn’t just about getting news coverage, it’s a valuable marketing tool to increase brand awareness. Our content writing team can produce professional press releases and help identify your target market and choose the right places to publish your press release.

Content Marketing

Without compelling content, you risk having zero interaction with your customers. PrimeView can create this content and handle content marketing campaigns that get your website to the top of the search engines. Call us today at 480-800-4668 and get ready to stand out amongst the crowd!