First impressions matter and we can help you make a good one with our cost-effective website maintenance plans. Focused on meeting daily or periodic maintenance needs, we can help your website look as pristine as the first day it launched and have optimal performance.
Who is maintaining your website?
If your business doesn’t regularly do basic maintenance on your website, don’t assume that everything is being taken care of by a web developer or host. Unless you have your own competent webmaster managing a website, it’s unlikely that anyone is attending to the important maintenance tasks.
A website needing maintenance looks unprofessional and is vulnerable to security threats. There are many drawbacks to neglecting web maintenance.
Not maintaining your website can result in:
- Increased risk of hacking & malware
- General failure & loss of data
- Broken links & images
- Backup Failure
- Database corruption
- Broken navigation & forms
- Negative effect on SEO Ranking
- Revenue Loss
You may not be aware of many of these issues if you don’t do regular maintenance. Don’t think that just because your site looks OK, there are no problems. The deeper you look into a website; the more problems can be found.
We first conduct a system health check and then proceed with addressing the most critical issues. Then we can provide an ongoing WordPress maintenance plan that keeps your site operating at peak performance.
Change is good for SEO
Website maintenance affects your search-engine rankings. A website that is static, that doesn’t have frequent modifications, updates, new content or improvements, will rank lower in search engine listings. Keep your website dynamic and your business will thrive. Let it sit there with no activity and you will not be noticed by search engines or consumers.
Security Maintenance
Keep your website secure from hackers and malware.
The increasing sophistication and complexity of cyber threats require security measures to protect your website. Keeping your CMS plugins updated and applying security patches is the first step in protecting your site against online threats as well as reducing the risk of website failure and data corruption. We make sure your website is current with the latest security updates.
We provide better security for your server by configuring your server’s firewall to lock down public access to services and only allow certain connections, such as logging in to FTP, checking your email, or loading your websites.
We provide protection for your server against brute force attacks, a hacking method that uses an automated system to guess the password to your web server or services.
We use the Host Access Control interface to allow or deny clients’ access to certain services based on their IP addresses.
User Experience Maintenance
A website that has navigation that is not working right, broken images and links or forms that are not working properly, can drive visitors to your site AWAY. A good user experience is vital for keeping visitors on your site to convert. Our website maintenance service can boost your conversion rates by fixing:
- Broken links
- Broken images
- Broken navigation
- Broken Forms
WHM/cPanel – WebHost Management
Our maintenance team performs basic system and Control Panel maintenance.
Recurring Backups
We will make sure your website is backed up regularly and properly preventing disastrous consequences of loss of data.
Our website maintenance service includes adding new web applications you would like on your website to improve customer retention, attract new customers and increase revenue.
Performance Maintenance
A slow website will drive potential customers away in a flash. We can improve your sites speed with these advanced applications:
– WordPress Optimization + Acceleration
Intelligent caching maximizes site performance to achieve a high score in site speed tests.
– Speeds up dynamic database-driven websites such as eCommerce sites.
Magento® maintenance
Our maintenance services for Magento® include installation, configuration, updates and more.
Need help maintaining your website?
If you need help maintaining the optimal performance of your website, let PrimeView offer the necessary web maintenance solutions your site needs. Call us at 480-800-4688 to request a free proposal!