Remarketing – A Powerful Marketing Tool to Grow Your Business

Peter A. Liefer II | Posted: July 23rd, 2019 | Updated: August 27th, 2019

Women working with laptop

Google AdWords Remarketing is an online advertising technique that lets you place relevant, targeted ads in front of people who have visited your website before. As they browse the internet remarketing helps you reconnect with them and keeps your brand top-of-mind, enticing them to come back for a visit.

Also, called retargeting, it can increase conversion rates because people already familiar with your brand are more likely to click on your ad and have a greater chance of converting. The more someone is shown your brand, the more likely they are to buy from you when they decide to make a purchase.

Here is another reason remarketing works and can lead to conversions. Most people are visiting perhaps 2 different business websites they are actually considering, but the majority DO NOT have a company in mind when they start searching. Also, most people don’t make a purchase their first time on a site, but their actions can give you valuable clues as to their interests. These can be some of your best prospects because they’ve shown interest already.

People will be influenced by many things They may have come to those two businesses because of what they saw on your website, TV, a social media post or a review site. Remarketing helps you catch people early in the decision-making process.

The Audience Landscape

Your audience falls into 3 categories:

1. Customer Match

– People who have interacted with your brand. Maybe they haven’t been to your website yet, but they’ve come into your store or shop if you have one. Maybe they know about you or have your business card and you have their information in a CRM or a list.

2. Remarketed Traffic

– People who have visited your website. This will really be the sweet spot of remarketing, the people who have interacted with your website in some way

3. Yet to interact

– Similar user data, in-market data, and demographic data. People who are a great audience for you, but have not interacted with your brand at all.

Remarketing can be used for all of these categories of consumers, but the focus here will be on customer match and remarketed traffic.

Start with People You Know

Micro-moments occur when people reflexively turn to a device – increasingly a smartphone – to act on a need to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something. They are intent-rich moments when decisions are made and preferences shaped.

Micro Moments

In remarketing, we want to start with the people that we know. People who visited your site, visited your mobile website, desktop app, whatever it might be, and win these people more frequently.

You do this by being there in the moments that matter – micro-moments. These are the moments that push people through the buying process and push them to you.
To make our remarketing campaign more effective, take those people we know and also add on things like:

  • Intent – what are they intending to do?
  • Context – We can look at the context – where are they located? We don’t care if they came to our site because they’re located in Brazil.
  • Immediate need – I want to know are they intending to buy, are they in my area, are they searching for things that I actually offer? Do they have an immediate need?

If you start with people you know and you fill it out with these things, you can have a powerful remarketing strategy.

Get to Know Your Customers

Combine your customer data with Googles targeting capabilities to reach precise audiences at scale.

You will want to combine your customer data of people you already know with the targeting capabilities of Google – intent, context, and an immediate need, so you have full coverage.
With Google remarketing, you can see what they’re doing across mindsets and devices. Are they switching to other brands? Are they checking their Gmail? Are they watching YouTube? Are they surfing the web or are they engaged in apps? No matter where they are on the web, you can re-engage the people you know.

How do we re-engage?

The way we re-engage them is with customer match, people who have interacted with your brand, and that’s created with email lists, using your CRM client relationship database. You can reach those people if they are searching, checking Gmail or watching YouTube.
You can also remarket people who are just searching using Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) that contain previous site and app visitors. You can also hit people watching YouTube, just generally surfing the web or engaged in apps using “Display Marketing” or “Remarketing for YouTube.”

One tag is all you need

To do these different types of remarketing you only need one tag, one bit of code on your website. One tag power your customer reach across channels and across devices to remarket people who’ve been to your website. We’re just reminding them – Remember us, you’ve been here before once, try us again!

Now let’s go into more detail about the different types of remarketing.

Display Remarketing

Google Display Network

Display remarketing is the simplest form of remarketing that uses the “Google Display Network” or GDN. The Display remarketing network comprises millions of sites across the internet where trillions of impressions are served.

The display network has an incredible reach including 95 percent of people on desktop, 83 percent of people on mobile and reaches 94.5 percent of people overall, making the Google Display Network the number one in reach across all devices.

You can use this network without remarketing. You can say I want to reach people who are on health-related websites or people who are male and of a certain age. But what we are talking about here is re-engaging people who have been to your website before.

Display remarketing tailors your message to people based on what pages and what content they have viewed on your site.

Say for example you have a website with a page about garage door repair. A visitor comes to this page, and a cookie is dropped on their computer – and then when they’re on the Google display network, this network with huge reach, you can show your ad to them later on any website within the GDN.

YouTube Remarketing (TrueView Ads)

TrueView Ads work similarly to the Google display network and display remarketing, but use video. Anyone who watches YouTube should be familiar with the advertisements that are shown before some videos start, and then a “skip” button appears to go straight to the video.

There are two kinds of TrueView Ads

1. TrueView in-stream

In-stream ads show before or during another video from a YouTube partner, which there are many. Videos can be 15-seconds, 30-seconds or longer, but 30-seconds is the sweet spot seems to deliver that best results.

The first 5 seconds are non-skippable, and then viewers have the choice to keep watching or hit the skip button. Google only charges you when someone watches for at least 30 seconds or to the end of the video (whichever is shorter) or they click on some component of the in-stream video.

2. TrueView video discovery

Video discovery ads are shown together with other YouTube videos, on search pages of YouTube or on websites on the GDN that match your target audience. You only have to pay if the viewer watches your video by clicking on the a
How can we remarket people using YouTube?

YouTube to YouTube

You can remarket users who are interacting with or viewing your own YouTube videos. They might see a YouTube ad that you’re running and you can go ahead and re-engage them later. This could be on YouTube or off.

If you have a YouTube video embedded on your website or have a YouTube video on someone else’s site or blog, you can re-engage those users. The video need not be on YouTube, it needs to be on a YouTube hosted video.

You can also remarket to those who have visited and/or subscribed to a brand channel or who have clicked on or viewed your YouTube masthead.

Website to YouTube

The flip side of this is that you can engage with users who have visited your site then you’re using YouTube to reach out to them. You can do this with YouTube on mobile or desktop. We can do this in YouTube on mobile apps on both iOS and Android.

Customer Match

Customer match targets customers who maybe haven’t been to your website, but have engaged with you in some way.

How it works is simple. If you have a database of different people and their emails and other information such as their addresses, you just take that database and upload it to Google Ads.
Google then scrubs it and matches these people to Google users, whether they have Gmail addresses, a YouTube account or whether they just signed in, whatever it might be. Google also takes some third-party data and scrubs that to match them. Then Google can engage them on Gmail with sponsored Gmail promotions, on YouTube, and on search.

Using email addresses as identifiers Google can see a single view of the customer by targeting across devices, on desktop and tablet on mobile, wherever they might be.

RSLA – Remarketing List for Search Ads

We have been talking about targeting people on the Google display network, now we will talk about targeting people on search. Remarketing List for Search Ads is a powerful tool to add to your marketing campaign. Having a search campaign in tandem with remarketing is highly recommended as it can give you a 10% increase in conversions.

RSLA is a cost per click model using Google Ads targeting the paid area on the top 3 to 4 spots on the Google search results page. You will reach out to people within the service area that you are in geographically and are looking for what you offer – based on the keywords they are entering in the search box.

How RSLA Works

A user comes to your site, they are automatically added to a remarketing list. The user leaves your site. That user searches Google for one of your keywords and then RSLA allows you to adjust your bids for keywords and targeting specifically for that user. This allows you to say – this person is more valuable to me than a person who has never interacted with my brand before, so I am willing to pay a little more for them.

Remember, only 4 percent of people are converting the first time, so RSLA gives you that second chance and say – “Hey remember me” – and then they will be more apt to convert the second or third time.

Just as with Display Remarketing or Customer Match, you can segment your ads based on what page they visited, etc.
Note: One requirement is that you need to have 1000 people visit your site and be on your remarketing list within 540 days. However, the list needs to be younger than 540 days. Google has found that those people are generally out of the buying cycle.

The Benefits of Remarketing List for Search Ads

RSLA is extremely effective. Based on Google internal data there is an average CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) decrease of 53% versus advertisers who do not have RSLA added to the rest of the campaign. There is an average 10% increase in conversions for advertisers who use RSLA over those who do not.

Note: Think of RSLA as an addition. Just doing an RSLA campaign by itself is not very effective without an overall remarketing campaign.
Another benefit of RSLA is that Google data shows that 84% of mobile clicks are on the first positioned ads – and with RSLA, 2 times more returning visitors convert compared to new site visitors.

Thoughtful Remarketing List for Search Ads Alignment

When bidding on keywords for your RSLA, put a greater or lesser value on different types of visitors to your site.

    • Signal – Homepage visitors
    • Strategy – All your website visitors that have not converted.
    • Value – + 10%


    • Signal – Researching but no conversion.
    • Strategy – Visitors to a website page who have started to convert but left before finishing.
    • Value – + 50%


    • Signal – Existing Customer
    • Strategy – Someone who has purchased or contacted you before.
    • Value – + 70 %

Best Practices

Frequency Capping

Why? It reminds people of the benefits of your business without irritating them. Don’t stalk your customers but stay in front of them.
How? Think about the number of remarketing campaigns since there can be audience overlap, set the frequency lower as the number of campaigns increase.

List membership duration

Why? The buying cycle is different for different products or services. If it is longer, list membership should be also.

How? This will change based on the exact product or service that is being remarketed – think about how long the buying cycle is and cap accordingly.

Segment based on types of visitors

Why? A past purchaser versus a brand-new customer will respond better to different messages, the same with someone looking at one category versus another.
How? Segment your lists based on where someone visits on your website, if they contact you or not, their consumer profiles, how valuable they are etc. to perfect targeting and increase ROI.

Recommended List Segmentation:

Tag your mobile and desktop websites. Implement Google Remarketing tags across the entire site – don’t forget your mobile site if there is a separate one.
Google has a Tag Manager to simplify your tag implementation.

Make remarketing lists

Collect anybody who is coming to your site. Start broad and then expand and optimize later.
Segment your lists based on types of visitors and stay connected with them as they move through the buying process in search, display, and video.

Key Takeaways

  • Remarketing catches people early on in the decision-making process.
  • People who have seen your product or service before are more likely to purchase than those seeing them for the first time.
  • Keep potential customers Top of Mind as they go through the path to purchase.
  • Remarketing ought to be helpful, not annoying
  • Done properly, remarketing is valued by busy consumers driving huge returns for your business.
  • Utilize all types of remarketing to win
  • Make Remarketing the cornerstone of your advertising strategy and you can significantly reduce Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) and increase ROI.

Contact PrimeView for expert PPC and Remarketing

As you can see from this remarketing explanation, there is a lot to know and many ways to make it an effective and powerful marketing tool. To be effective at PPC and Remarketing you need to have a clear goal, landing page, budget, and time. Let PrimeView’s digital marketing team help you implement a Remarketing campaign that will drive more traffic to your website, promote your brand and increase revenue.

Contact us now for a free consultation on how PPC and Remarketing can work for your business.

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