How to Keep Website Visitors Busy with Your Content

Peter A. Liefer II | Posted: May 5th, 2014 | Updated: July 24th, 2019

In the world of search engine optimization, the name of the game is now CONTENT. Everything now revolves around it, ever since Google started rolling out algorithms that are geared towards the comfort and convenience of the users, whether it’s the Panda, Penguin, or the Hummingbird Update. Website visitors gauge the website according to the layout, the design, and of course, the content. A good-looking website with crisp, clear images and outstanding layout would be nothing without content, while a website with fresh, witty, and engaging content.

In a world that has become very dependent on the internet for information, particularly in sales and the commercial aspect, more and more business owners are looking for new and better ways to improve their online ranking and widen their reach. Their goal is to always remain at least one step ahead of their online competitors, and one of the most surefire ways to achieve that is by having a strong marketing campaign.

This is why website content has proven to be more effective and powerful than other marketing strategies. Google has been consistently letting Phoenix SEO companies know that content is the way to conquering search engine resuIts through its series of algorithm updates. With compelling content, business owners can increase not only their ranking on Google, but also elevate and validate their authority in the industry which they belong to, despite having so many competitors claiming to be the best.

Google decides to rank your website on a number of factors, but content is a major deciding factor. It is where business owners base every other aspect of their search marketing campaigns. It carries all the information about your company that website visitors need and are looking for prior to landing on your site.


Driving Traffic to Your Website is One Thing, But Keeping Them There is Another

If you really worked hard to drive targeted traffic to your site, then it will be very disappointing to lose all your website visitors within the first few seconds of landing on any of your pages. This article will help you achieve what not many can, which is keeping your guests busy enough to browse through multiple pages of your website.

Your goal as the business owner is to keep visitors you have gotten organically (through search engines) within the confines of your website, even after they have finished reading the article or section that the search engine results page directed them to.


Utilizing the “Related Articles” Feature

Have you ever visited a website and read an article with a “Related Articles” section at the bottom? It may be packaged differently in some websites, but ultimately the goal is to keep the readers shifting from one article to the next. Many of the most popular and widely read blogs and websites have a related articles module and is also placed on either sides of an article, such as this one from the New York Times:

When website visitors read your initial article it is undoubtedly because you were able to spark their interest through the content and the theme of your post. It would be safe to assume that these same readers would enjoy reading similar articles that you have posted. By suggesting related posts, you are tapping on the potential to promote your other content and show website visitors that you have a great deal of quality content that discusses that particular topic or theme.

Doing this will keep them engaged in your website instead of just closing the tab or browser after they are done reading your post. It is important for you to realize that getting website visitors to your site took a lot of SEO effort, and you wouldn’t want to waste all of that if your goal is only to have them read one article and read. This is where a related article section would make sense.


Will it Really Make a Difference?

Phoenix SEO companies and content marketers from all over Arizona, who are always observant of Google algorithms, are focusing more on the behavior and preferences of website users. One of the primary metrics that they are in Google Analytics is pages-per-session (previously called pages-per-visit). More and more marketing companies are starting to highlight the importance of this metric by encouraging clients to think about it. It’s not enough anymore to focus only on the users’ landing page on your site or blog. We must think about their next moves—what they do after reading that initial post. While not an SEO tip per se, many have seen firsthand the positive effects that can be gained from adding a related articles module or something similar to your site. You’ve spun your web, you’ve attracted your subjects, now keep them tangled! The goal is for them to read the next article without them even knowing it.

So if you are bent on having the ultimate Phoenix SEO campaign, consult with any of the top web marketing companies in your area and ask for advice on how to employ these techniques to your campaign. Before you know it, you’ll be retaining more website visitors, increasing your chances of turning them into customers.

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